Monday, November 7, 2011

Popping the Blog cherry

Totes: I had no idea what it meant or even if it meant anything at all. Totes is a nickname my Husband has been calling me for 3 years now. One fine afternoon while strolling through Central Park, he says to me stop toting behind. My husband is about 6 feel tall and I am roughly 5'2. He walks much faster than I and tends to always drag me when we hold hands and walk. Totes stuck. Fast forward a few years to the movie, I love you man. Paul Rudd while attempting to make up cool nicknames for his bff says Totes MaGotes. Totes became Totes MaGoats. One night while reading a blog I follow, I want to say it was but cant be certain, she wrote Totes your call!? What the hell is Totes and why are people using this word? or made up word? So I googled. Apparently Totes is short form for the following: Totally- commonly used by valley girls appx 190 times a day, really I missed that in Clueless? Totes- they make umbrellas; Totes-they make shoes and lastly Totes- a bag.

So whether it means something or nothing, its me. Why am I blogging and do I really have anything interesting to convey? I have fallen prey to the blogging world. Since planning the wedding I have become obsessed with Theknot, Pinterest, Real Simple, and random DIY blogs. I also have this urge to start an etsy website for making stationary. I fell in love with that aspect of wedding planning and absoutly adore Shutterfly for holiday cards and photobooks. Now with the wedding over, it was fabulous, Husband and I are on to new adventures. Currently that adventure includes purchasing our first home. Its been a treat so far. I fall in love with things I can't have and we agree on very little. With any luck we are looking at another home tomorrow. I have hope. I plan on blogging about our perspective new homes and hopefully the one we actually buy. I need a place for all those new dishes thanks to the bridal shower. I plan on sharing some DIY ideas and down the road some renovations to that new home. Lets face it, I don't have a turn key budget. So for now I will close this blog with some pretty honeymoon pics.

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